Sunday, July 5, 2009

My life

My day starts at 7.00 am. After doing the usual things after waking up and having breakfast, I go to school. Sit at my table, half-asleep or sleeping, and learn whatever I can learn. Then school ends at 2.07 +/-.YAY! Then, I would go home or go Scouts. If I went home, would have lunch first or something. Then, I would go draw or use the computer. Half though the activity, Barath would either challange me to CS, which i really suck at, or i would do something else,namely homework or someother thing. Soon, the afternoon was gone and mom and dad would come home. We would have dinner together. Then, I would double-check on school stuff before sleeping. My day changes everyday cause I could almost anything I like. It's not gonna be the same thing everday.


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